hallazgo afortunado e inesperado, casualidad, coincidencia o accidente.
habilidad de un sujeto para reconocer que ha hecho un descubrimiento importante aunque no tenga relación con lo que busca...

martes, diciembre 21

amaretto cookies


  • 2 1/2 cups of almond flour -or- 3 cups of blanched slivered almonds, finely ground up
  • 1 1/4 cup of baker's sugar (superfine sugar)
  • 3 egg whites
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoon of amaretto
  • Extra sugar for dusting

1 Preheat oven to 300 F / 150 C and line baking sheets with parchment paper.
2 In a food processor mill together the almond flour and sugar. Add the vanilla and amaretto and pulse for a few seconds. Add the eggs, one at a time, and continue to process until the dough is smooth.
3 Place teaspoons of the dough on the parchment paper and dust with sugar. Bake for 24-30 minutes or until golden brown. Cool completely before serving. They will be slightly chewy at first, but they will be nicely crispy as a day or two goes by. Store in a cool, dry place. (Note: I usually underbake mine since I like them chewy. If that's your preference, bake them for about 20-24 minutes.) Makes about 30 cookies.

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