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habilidad de un sujeto para reconocer que ha hecho un descubrimiento importante aunque no tenga relación con lo que busca...

lunes, junio 21

Light Lavender Water Cologne

1 cup lavender flower buds
optional: one or two drops of lavender essential oil

Remove lavender flower buds from stems and add to a one-cup measuring container, packing lightly. Pour the measured cup of lavender buds into a glass container. Add one measuring cup of water, preferably distilled or previously boiled and cooled. Add 1/8 cup of vodka and stir or shake well. Allow infusion to sit in a sunny windowsill for two weeks, shaking the jar daily to combine ingredients. Strain the lavender water into a pretty bottle and use as desired. If resulting lavender perfume is too light, reinforce with a drop or two of lavender essential oil.

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