hallazgo afortunado e inesperado, casualidad, coincidencia o accidente.
habilidad de un sujeto para reconocer que ha hecho un descubrimiento importante aunque no tenga relación con lo que busca...

domingo, agosto 8

no knead bread


• 1 tablespoon active dry yeast
• 3 cups warm, but not hot water
• 1 tablespoon sugar
• 1 tablespoon vinegar
• 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
• 3 cups all-purpose flour
• 2 1/2 to 3 cups whole wheat flour
• 1 tablespoon coarse or kosher salt
• Steak spice blend, for sprinkling
• Demerara or raw sugar, for sprinkling


• Mix together the yeast, sugar and water in a large bread making bowl and allow to bubble up and foam. Wait a few minutes until the yeast starts to work, and then add the vinegar and oil. Add the all-purpose flour cup by cup, stirring well after each addition. Then add the whole wheat flour, mixing in the salt at one point, cup by cup, and stirring well after each addition. The dough will still be a little bit wet and spongy.
• Cover with a damp tea or kitchen towel, and let rise in a warm place for 30 to 40 minutes, or until it has doubled in size.
• Preheat an oven to 375 degrees F.
• Using a big spatula, spoon the dough out into 2 well-greased loaf pans. Using your fingers if needed, press the sides down, helping to create the perfect loaf shape. (Do not knead). With a knife, make 2 or 3 diagonal shallow incisions across the top of the loaves. Top with your favorite herbs or spices. For the savory loaf, sprinkle with steak spice. For the other, sprinkle with demerara or raw sugar.
• Bake the loaves for about 50 minutes, or until they are golden brown and crusty on top, and sound hollow when tapped on the underside. Let sit, if you can wait, for at least 5 to 10 minutes before slicing and serving with butter.
• This moist bread keeps well for a few days if placed in a resealable plastic bag. The bread can also be frozen for many weeks.

viernes, agosto 6

dill pickles in one day!

4 Kirby cucumbers (about 1 pound), quartered lengthwise
3/4 cup white wine vinegar
1/4 small sweet onion (such as Vidalia or Walla Walla), thinly sliced
2 cloves garlic, smashed
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon dill seed
1 teaspoon black peppercorns
1 bay leaf
kosher salt
Place the cucumbers in a 1-quart jar or some other container with a tight-fitting lid.
In a bowl, combine the vinegar, onion, garlic, sugar, dill seed, peppercorns, bay leaf, 2 teaspoons salt, and ¾ cup hot tap water. Stir until the sugar dissolves.
Pour the vinegar mixture into the jar with the cucumbers, cover, and refrigerate for at least 1 day before serving. The pickles will last up to 1 week.

martes, agosto 3

mermelada de cebolla y balsamico

3 cucharadas de mantequilla
2 cebollas grandes
2 cucharadas de azúcar (puede usarse una cucharadita más, si a uno le apetece que sea algo más dulce)
1 taza de vinagre balsámico
1/2 taza de vino tinto (por ejemplo un Rioja joven)
4 cucharadas de pasas

1.- Cortamos las cebollas por la mitad y después en rodajitas finas.
2.- En una sartén caliente fundimos la mantequilla, echamos la cebolla, salamos y la doramos a fuego medio durante unos 5 minutos sin que se queme.
3.- Añadimos el azúcar, removemos y dejamos cocinar a fuego bajo durante 10 minutos.
4.- En este momento echamos el vinagre, el vino y las pasas y dejamos que se cocine lentamente hasta que casi se haya evaporado el líquido y el restante tenga aspecto de un sirope.
¡Así de sencillo! Perfecta para acompañar carnes a la barbacoa, pechugas de pollo o chuletas de cerdo a las que queramos dar un contrapunto agridulce.